Monday, August 15, 2005

Peter Mansbridge in Picket Line Fight

Old Fashioned Shit Kicker
Old Fashioned Shit Kicker,
originally uploaded by Bergkamp13.
Canada’s voice of reasoned and measured journalism and rogerer of Cynthia Dale and Wendy Mesley, Peter Mansbridge, was today involved in what witnesses described as a “good, old fashioned shit-kicking”.
“Peter was doing what the rest of us were doing, you know, walking in circles around a flaming oil drum, when this guy walks by and says: Hey Mansbridge, you’re a fairy. Get back to work,” said editor Nancy Shool. “Peter just lost it.”
According to Shool and other witnesses who were afraid to identify themselves, Mansbridge went into a berserker rage. He chased the man down the street. Mansbridge then leapt at the man, knocking him down from behind. Manbridge then smashed the man’s head into the cement several times. He then pummeled the man’s liver repeatedly. Mansbridge then stood up and “pile-drived” the man.
“Blood was pouring from the guys face,” said one frightened onlooker. When asked to give his name the man screamed and ran away.
Mansbridgbe hauled the man to his feet with on hand. The man was unconscious, witness report. Mansbridge then said, “Ever seen a fairy do this?” Mansbridge pulled down his pants and “bitch-slapped” the man with his penis. Witnesses describe Mansbridge’s penis as been approximately three feet long, “like a steel rod” and deadly. Mansbridge then dumped the man in a garbage can and sodomized him repeatedly.


Blogger Ms. Maizun said...

I have to say that I am somewhat tempted to send the link to this post to PM himself and see what he thinks.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

You have a dirty, dirty mind, Mr.Bitter.... and yet I was very entertained. Especially when I imagined it with Stephen Colbert reading it in my head....

11:25 PM  

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