Toronto Struck By "Snow Storm" For First Time Ever
Icy death floated softly down on the residents of Toronto yesterday as snow, a form of frozen rain, fell in millimeters across the city.
"I don't know what we're going to do," said one city official cowering under an umbrella. "We've never, ever ,ever in our history seen anything like it. This isn't Winnipeg."
Local radio and TV personalities began panicking the public days before, warning of the impending catastrophe with colourful graphics and even more colourfully language.
"Snow Strom Of White, Fluffy Death" screamed local papers. "The End Is Nigh" heralded one church billboard.
Many TV personalities rushed to the aid of local citizens by providing live coverage of the storm while dispensing helpful hints on how to survive the "storm of frozen, icy wrath God sent to punish us for our sinful ways."
Meteoroligists and former reality TV contestants said the "snow" would accumulate to levels nearing a few hellish centimeters, causing people to consider driving slower and wetting immeasurable numbers of boots and shoes.
According to some sientists this snow material is quite common in northern climes (like Innavut and Edmonton) and will melt as temperatures rise. The Mayor has said he's allready commisioned the contruction of a giant "warming device" to shield the city any further snow attacks.
Good to have you back Mr. Bitter. It's about bloody time!!
I can't believe you didn't mention anything about the potential danger of SNOWMEN.
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