Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jon Stewart Ripped Me Off!

Last night the Daily Show with Jon Stewart did a piece about the current hubbaloo over some Danish cartoons that have inspired the followers of a certain religion to burn flags at an alarming rate and go without Danish Feta (who knew?) for their kebabs. And sure, militant members of said religion are using these cartoons for their own ends. (It's a shame their followers had to be so obliging) I've read that the cartoons aren't very funny, unlike Last Temptation of Christ which was a howler ...
Yesterday I attempted (half-arsedly, I thought, and perhaps you agreed) to pipe in with my two cents worth (if that). I decided to use the most inoffensive (unless you find bland, boring, as insightful as a blind slug and pandering to old ladies offensive - which I do) cartoon I could find to satirize the situation. I picked the all time classic Family Circle. (See below) Perhaps in hindsight it was a bit obvious. So last night when I turned on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart what did I see? Family Circus being used as a tool to satirize this entire situation. On the same goddamned day I did it. What the fuck? How am I supposed to compete with the Daily Show with Jon Stewart? How can there be a level satire playing field when the corporate monster that is Comedy Central is stealing the little guys jokes? Yes, Daily Show writers routinely read my blog. I can almost prove it. (I know a guy in the CIA who can hook me up with some state of the art email reading programs. By the way, Gary? Why are you paying $15 a month subscription for that "monkeys eating cake" site?)
Don't believe me? Think I'm an unoriginal comedy hack who steals all of Jon Stewart's best bits ( and the Simpsons bits too)? Check the time and date code at the bottom of my blog, people. Those can't be messed with. has tighter security than my neighbours backyard shed ... I will return the hedgeclippers and powersaw when I'm done with them, Missus Sour.


Blogger rabsy said...

You've been an excellent source of witty, sarcastic, information-full material. without you, i wouldn't be where i am now and you where you are now (oops, ha ha, forget i mentioned that last part!). no hard feelings, huh buddy?

thanks for the good times.

love always,

2:57 PM  

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