We here at Mr. Bitter have obtained, through thoroughly sordid means, a copy of the report former Liberal Wajid Khan penned for the Harper government on the Middle East. Khan accepted a role as an adviser to the Conservatives on the Middle East while still a member of the Liberal caucus. Many Liberals at the time expressed concerns that Mr. Khan's work for the Conservatives would put him in conflict with his party. Mr. Khan stressed that his work was of a non-partisan nature and that his report would be made public for all to read. It now appears, since his defection to the Harper cabinet, that the report will not be officially released. (After how thoroughly morally offended Harper was at the defection of Belinda Stronach to the Liberals to now have two such defectors in his ranks – Khan and Vancouver MP and naturalist Ralph Waldo Emerson- well I bet it's all he can do to just look at them…)
But unofficially, here it is. The official unofficial Khan report on the Middle East:
(The report as it came to us was still in its infancy. Most of the report was written in point form and in red crayon. There were coffee stains on nearly every page. )
Enjoying a latte here while sitting in the Liberal cabinet. I wonder what the Conservative caucus room looks like? Hope it smells better than this place. Honestly, someone keeps letting 'em rip. Ignatieff keeps giggling to himself. I bet it's him but I don't want to say anything. If someone uses the ancient parlimentary tradtion of "he who smelt it" I'm done for.
It does smell much better in the Conservative caucus room. Who would have thought Westerners could smell so nice. Like oil mixed with moral outrage and freshly killed bear or some endangered animal. Who thought homophobes could smell so nice. And only a few of these guys refused to remove their cowboy hats. Tell ya what. If Harper offers me the job of advisor on the Middle East, I'll jump at it!
Ok. I'm out in the field doing my big report on the Middle East. Sitting here in a lovely café in the Syrian capitol of Damascus. Latte's are excellent. Not too much to report. There's a Hezbollah recruiter over there. Love those scarves.
I'm Tehran now. Theses guys really now how to make a first rate latte. They could teach my local Starbuck's barista a thing or two. Got an invite to some big convention they're having over here about the Holocaust. Maybe I'll check it out. No sign of any nuclear weapons but will keep my eyes peeled.
Looks like my Ipod battery has finally died. Wonder if they have a Best Buy here in the Ramallah?
You know, I've had a lot of time to think about my self and what I really believe in as a Muslim living in the West. I firmly believe with all my soul that I'm not sure I like geeks. In fact, and I believe Mohamed may be with me on this one, I hate geeks. Oh, let's see who we've elected as our new party leader… Dion! That geek! What does he carry around with him in that backpack of his? Old issues of Harpers? He makes a mean latte, though.
I've made a momentous decision here in the hot, steamy city of Islamabad. I've thought it through and I know it goes against everything I believe in, everything my constituents believe in and, yes, even what my god teaches me but here it is: I'm having the Iced latte.
OK, last stop is Khandahar, Afghanistan. Our boys look OK. The green uniforms are a nice contrast against the desert background. Maybe I’ll pop into Tim Horton’s for a latte … Jesus that must have been the worst coffee I’ve every tasted. Call that a cappuccino? More like a cappa-crappo! I’m outta here.
Just going back over this report and I realized how screwed I am. All I did was talk about coffee for 1500 pages. And how am I going to explain those expense reports? $150,000 for coffee and Persian hookers? There’s only one thing I can do to save my beautiful, coffee fueled legs. Defect. To another country. No wait, that’s a bit extreme. I’ll just defect to the Tories. They’re desperate. They’ll take anyone. Even Jack Layton. I’ll defect and all I’ll ask for in return is that this report never sees the light of day. That and a latte maker for the condo. Khan, you’re a genius!